An exclamation used within a sentence or phrase to express strong emotion, such as surprise, excitement or confusion. Extra “bop’s” may be added at the end to express a stronger emotion or need for clarification
Skippety bop! What a night!
Skippety bop bop bop!! That’s crazy!
When a girl kissed up on everyone and treeshing on the low , she be dumber than a test dummy
Person 1: yo bruh shawty really a baba bop
Person2: oh yea shawty was kissing up on Jayden
Person 1&2: damn Ik she was Baba bop
It’s when you go all around town/any area and are having a great time. Like if one day you went to Target, then Red Robin, then went out with friends and went to multiple different parties that be considered “bee-bopping”
I was bee-bopping all around town last night