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Big Pink Bucket Puss

A woman that has, through childbirth, or other extreme streching of vaginal muscles, widened her passage to the point that an ordinary, properly inserted tampon will not stay in place.

"After the baby was born, I coudn't even keep a tampon in my Big Pink Bucket Puss! My husband said that making love to me was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway!"

by Praxis January 25, 2007

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A Bucket Full of Dead Babies

A phrase only to be used when something is NOT fun or NOT cool at all...

This is about as fun as a bucket full of dead babies.

by Ms. See-You-Next-Tuesday August 20, 2008

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5 gallon bucket of spit

A woman who has had so much sex, kids, or fence posts that her pussy is really loose.

That chick was so loose it was like putting my dick in a 5 gallon bucket of spit!

by SkullTooth July 29, 2008

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hong kong piss bucket

An asain that will do stuff for money.

Guy 1: I need someone to drink my piss.
Guy 2: Find a hong kong piss bucket.

by Minge2 May 10, 2006

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bucket o' douche

A fucking Douche bag x10

He is such a fucking bucket o' douche.

by chefboyardeeznutzinyourmoufus July 28, 2004

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ass licking cunt bucket

a combination of words used in a gaming zone when owning defeat.

NO!! that ass licking cunt bucket stole my kill!!!

by me3sh March 11, 2010

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Dick Face Gunt Bucket

An insult for a person you're angry with.

(DFGB for short)

That Ken sure is a Dick Face Gunt Bucket!

dick gunt insult derogatory nickname

by AluminumMonster June 27, 2011

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