Source Code

King Fuck-buddy

When a man and a woman have a Primarily Serious, Exclusive, Long-term relationship, on the low. They talk on the phone and text often. They see each-other as time permits. How-ever, they choose not to profess their feelings for each-other publicly, because one or both of them, aren't just any-body.

It could be because of Age differences, Religious orientation un-acceptance, Media exposure which might impact ones famous reputation in a negative way, Family un-acceptance, Life-style incompatibility (long hours, too busy), or neither one of them wants a live-together type relationship, etc.

But, she cares a whole lot about this man, and he is her One and Only Squeeze, right now. He is Special. In her eyes, and heart, he isn't "just any-body".

๏„‘ ๏‚™

I've got some free time right now, and there's nothing more that I want to do, than to spend some quality time, with my "King Fuck-buddy".

MDT 07161948

by Queen Fuck Buddy May 21, 2014

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Crimson Panda Buddy

Someone who completely destroys enemies (gibbing them and ripping heads off) and gets sad whenever one of his buddies leave.

Crimson Panda Buddy was sad when Brick Sexhouse left the game. He destroyed all enemies afterword.

by Panda Buddy January 23, 2013

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suck my buddy

Suck my buddy is when u say suck my dick first said my khairallah Rifai

Yo fam suck my buddy

by Suck-my-buddy April 1, 2019

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Buddy Number 5

Comes from Andrew, the 5th buddy. A buddy which has less importance than 4 other buddies in a friend group.

"LOL, we wont tell buddy number 5!"
"Hey BUDDY NUMBER 1. Hey buddy number 5!"

by Callum July 26, 2004

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The creative name given to my dog Buddy before he died, given to him by my pal Josh before he was edge.


"Oh no, BUDDY x NIGG is eating the shake out of your ash tray!"

by Smokey Burr February 8, 2006

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I'm not your friend, buddy

I'm not your friend buddy is an internet phenomenon that was inspired by an episode of "South Park". Usually occuring on message boards, the first person says "I'm not your friend buddy" and the next person will use the use the last word in the first comment as the first word in their comment, and will switch the their last word with either "pal", or "guy".

-I'm not your friend, buddy
-I'm not your buddy, pal
-I'm not your pal, guy
-I'm not your guy, friend
-I'm not your friend, pal
-I'm not your pal, buddy

by Ozzie Restrepo April 11, 2008

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This happened to my buddy Eric

It refers to a review of the 2019 film Joker on the platform of Letterboxd, indicating that their friend Eric also had a phase and became like the Joker. It received widespread forwards and shares on social media making it an iconic review with regards to letterboxd.

This happened to my buddy eric is such an overused meme, it's annoying.

by filmnerd69 December 12, 2021

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