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MiNt cHiP

MiNt cHiP means Thizz or Extacy. It would only mean that if it's written like this:MiNt cHiP.

That nigga popped 2 MiNt cHipS in class today and he was flyer than a space ship.

by Ariel Gard April 5, 2007

Mint Chip

It is literal toothpaste! There is no if ands or buts about it! Once you try it you no longer have an appetite because it feels like your just brushed your teeth.

Dans favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chip even though it is disgustingly similar to toothpaste.

Who would think to try mint chip in being that it tastes like the thing that you use to brush your teeth with.

by Polygonalmamaboat May 1, 2024

couch chip

that one crusty potato chip you found in the couch. you don't know how long it's been there, and it's begun to breed life, but you're pretty fuckin hungry so you decide to eat it.

bad idea.

Person 1: "I just a couch chip"
Person 2: "Oh fuck"

by BigManDouggieGExceptTheGIsLL March 28, 2023

A whole bag of chip

When you think that man is a whole snack but more.

Dang Chris Brown is that and a whole bag of chips

by bmatic2 March 2, 2020

Cackling Chips

weird ass chips that cackle

"When you and Cali were wrestling it sounded like cackling chips"
2023 October 8 7:25 PM

"Look at those cackling chips"

by JRSJessa October 9, 2023

Vagina Chips

A phrase commonly used among high school students to express a man’s desire for eating pussy or other sexual acts. Sugar babies use this term to describe how addictive their genitalia is to their customers. The slang could be shortened to ‘Chips’ or ‘VC’.

Boy: “I’m in the mood for some Vagina Chips but my girl is abstaining from sex until marriage!”
Friend: “Just go onto a hookup app and look for some VC there, dumbass!”

by Whereismyweave January 14, 2020

Chip and Kale

The names of Jason's left and right testicle, respectively. Inspired by Chip and Dale, but not really, because we are in basic bitch era where everything is about kale.

(While going down on Jason) I'm gonna name them. Chip and Dale is cute but too boring. You haven't shaved today, so the left one is a bit crispy... the other one doesn't really taste like anything... Imma call them Chip and Kale.

by hellomynameisloca December 22, 2018