Soda that you might drink if there’s no Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.
“I’m drinking Canada Dry right now”
When your fucking a girl in winter and it’s to cold to finish in her
Boy 1 How was last night with Suzy
Boy 2 not good it was to cold in my house (because I’m a no good bum who can’t pay my heat bill) do I had to give her a Canada Dry
When your fucking a girl in winter and it’s to cold to finish in her
Boy 1 How was last night with Suzy
Boy 2 not good it was to cold in my house (because I’m a no good bum who can’t pay my heat bill) do I had to give her a Canada Dry
The one soda that still tastes good after going flat while being sugar and caffeine free.
"The Canadian ball sack goes Canada Dry after a month of back to back sex. "
You get to suck a homie till his skin comes off and it isn't sus
Yo man lemme suck you dry it's Janurary 13th, aka, National suck a homie dry day
A dry patch is a wet patch but when you’re high you say dry patch without knowing it
1st person Yo dude there’s a dry patch over there !!!
2nd person; yoooo that’s a wet patch you fucking mongrel
if i had to save pancakes woman or waffles woman im saving the pancakes woman and im also sucking her dry