The best commercial ever, it fooled a generation into thinking it was an actual movie, and it teaches valuable lessons like what the bunny that Bugs is fucking in that weird fanart should look like, and that all females are only useful when a male can support them. Don't worry, she doesn't like being called doll, so she's totally a strong character! They fooled kids into thinking that the actual personality given to Lola (it was admittedly annoying, but it was looneyy, and this is THE LOONEY TUNES) It also fooled kids into thinking that Michael Jordan actually could act, when in truth I found more emotion from a brick wall. I pity all who were dragged into this, and hope that they all are doing better work, if they are still alive (RIP Those people who died).
D: Hey J, remember how god awful Lola was in Space Jam?
J: Yeah, she would have been better if she were replaced by a hand puppet voiced by Rob Schneider!
Stealing someone’s talent by shaking their hand
:::while sitting at any sporting event thinking to oneself::::
“ damn, I wish I could space jam all these talented mf and stunt on them all..”
The Process of being so focused or in the zone that you don’t notice anything happening around you.
I ain’t even peep her mom calling her phone I was ’in my jam’ clapping her
I ain’t even peep the score. I was ‘in my jam’ cookin y’all boyz
I just needa get in my jam and I’ll be straight
Person 343: 《¤》Flash 《¤》flash 《¤》 Flash 《Gun Jam in GooGle Chrome Web Browser》
N. If a blanket excuse, issued as a shrug, was a music genre. Very similar to someone presenting an unexceptional thing as being exceptional purely upon the merit that it has been presented.
Put a jam band in a garage in a suburb on a Sunday night at 10:01, someone is gonna call the cops because “c’mon guys, enough is enough, already.” But, if you post flyers, charge admission, and make the jam band loud enough—they magically stop being a noise ordinance violation in Vermont, and start being Bonnaroo.
“Dude, have you heard the latest CD of the local jam band?”
A surreal, dark sketch comedy series that would air on BBC Radio 1 early in the morning. It was created by the one and only Chris Morris. The sketches themselves would tackle harsh topics such as suicide, murder, and rape. The music was also a contributing factor, which mostly comprised of ambient and downtempo tracks. It made its first run in 1997 and ended in 1999.
Guy 1:Dude have you listened to any Blue Jam episodes yet?
Guy 2:Yes.
Guy 1:Did you like them?
Guy 2:Stay away from me.