Source Code

Two Words

This Generally means "Screw This" which is commonly thought of throughout High School and can be thought of throughout the world. It can also be know to the symbol of someone holding up two fingers which signals to someone else that he is meaning "Screw This"

Teacher: Yeah here is some packet's to do. *Teacher gives out a million packet's all the time*
Student: Mannnnn Two Words

by mrgart May 6, 2017

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

word fishing

Highly irritating practice of making up cute words that nobody actually uses and adding them to Urbandictionary.com in the hopes that someone somewhere thinks it's clever and starts saying it.

Okay, besides this sentence, when the fuck have you ever heard the word "hindspite" in conversation? You know that guy was word fishing.

by salaryman April 5, 2006

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The T word

The T word refers to Transylvania. Transylvania is a region situated in western Romania with a majority Romanian population (~80%). Despite this many Hungarians like to claim that this is ethic Hungarian land. The T word should never be used in a room/space where a Romanian and Hungarian are present.

Random retard: So where is Transylvania?
Romanian: shhhhhh don’t say The T Word out loud! That Hungarian over there might hear us!

by That smart Moldovan May 27, 2020

60πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

word is bon

a misunderstanding of the phrase 'word is BOND' which is used and gained popularity in the town of hyde park

Mike: "dude lets get a 30'
Matt Ricci: 'word is bon!'

by WORD ISN'T BON January 3, 2007

30πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

80s words

Words used in the 80s that aren't usually used today. More than likely are "big words."

"Most 80s words are considered stupid in modern times to some people, but I think they're really cool."

by xjenxjenx February 1, 2009

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž



Often referred to as T-word due to the highly offensive nature of Topher. If Topher is said rather than T-Word, one will often get slugged by the nearest bystander.

Gerry: I just saw Topher looking at gay nigger porn!
*Kyle punches Gerry*

by Melvin Birch November 26, 2019

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

microsoft word

The only way the illest mo' fuckas on the planet say "word".

Billy: Yeah he bought the spinach.
Johnny: Oh, microsoft word!

by Max Dish May 23, 2007

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