WARING!! Only skits cuts should attempt. Named after Crazy Steve himself, (first appearing in episode 3 of the Mike Nolan Show), a Crazy Steve is the act of filling a bong with any sort of strong liquor, taking a bowl out of it, and chugging the liquor inside before exhaling.
Nolan: Fill the cunt right I’ma take a Crazy Steve
Les: Fuckin’ A cunt
When a you masturbate until your glans is bleeding then have your lover take a diarrhea dump. You now dip your wounded soldier into the preferably watery pile of shit then roll it around in salt.
Susanna and Andre did a salty steve last night. They are so fucking gross.
Papi Steve is Adrian's papi.
Type an example of how Papi Steve is used
That guy who does everything way cheaper than your local business'. Need a haircut, call Kitchen Steve, Tattoo? He's not licensed but he got this cool tattoo gun off eBay once and he practices on himself.
Dude you don't need to pay $60 for that haircut man, Kitchen Steve will do it for $10. Let me give him a call!
A man who leaves random reviews on Google
Ask Steve Blake!!
A man who leaves random reviews on Google
Ask Steve Blake!!
When I guy is going done on his girl and he’s super heavy breathing like he’s snorkeling
My mans most deft scuba steved me last night