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Someone who is beyond stupid. A person could become stupid through no fault of their own. A Tard, however, is never so innocent.


- One who revels in their own willful ignorance.

Or, who chooses to remain uniformed about a topic, despite being very emotionally invested in it.

- Someone with a profound lack of sense.

"Dude, did he seriously just mansplain evolution to an evolutionary biologist?"
"Yeah. He's such a Tard."

by Chad Shugecaulk December 27, 2023

tard status

-a describing words for someone who does something incredibly stupid or looks ridiculous or dumb.

'Oh my god, that outfit is tard status'

by bananananamana. October 22, 2007


A hot guy or girl who is a real dumbass!

He is such a hot-tard!

by Boogiesbaby June 16, 2015

Scaredy Tard

Someone who is overly paranoid of people attacking them in real life that they think that if said person satirizes them or writes about them or mentions their OCs by name that they're being stalked and harassed, when in actuality they can't handle opinions or satire and don't belong online. They're paranoid enough to post hate journals about people they think are stalking them and retarded enough to not understand satire.

That Emily is such a Scaredy Tard.

by MM132 September 7, 2019


Tard-Old: A term defined by reaching an age in which you no longer contain coherence in your everyday speach, often accompanied with memory loss and loss of bowell control.

Jeremy: Your Great Grandmother is still alive?

Jarod: I guess if you consider someone that is Tard-Old living...

by KillaNeptune April 20, 2011

Tard nap

The feeling of grogginess, confusion, and overall mental retardation in the aftermath of waking up from a nap.

"I took a tard nap this afternoon and, when I woke up, felt as mentally incompetent as a Republican senator from the south."

by Christopher Sessions December 9, 2020


When she's HOT A.F. but she's a little tarded at texting.

A mixture of hot and retarded.

Hazel is Hot-tarded because she texted gaga instead of Haha.

by Overweight heavy lover D June 12, 2017