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is word for teste

teste is teste

by _anonymous_96 November 24, 2021


To damage very badly.

I teste(nted) meself

by RedFinger221 March 13, 2022

Taylor Test

A test devolved from Taylor Hetherington from the Autoalex channel. The test is to slam your closed hand into the bottom of a steering wheel, to see if a vehicle's horn, wipers, or lights activate.

Oh you got a new car? Have you given it the Taylor Test yet?

by TeamAbzy June 1, 2024

Scarf testing

A useless money consuming event that my current cumdumpster has scheduled to kill me faster

This weekend i have to go scarf testing with with gf instead of doing cocaine with the boyz.

by TLD69 March 22, 2022

The Lebowski Test

The definition of the Lebowski test.

When you meet someone you don't know at a party/gathering/wedding etc and they start with the small talk, ask them one question. "So you ever seen the big Lebowski" if they say yes, and say the movie sucked, politely thank them and walk away knowing the person has no sense of humour or taste in movies , and that you don't want anything to do with said person. I they say its awesome, then you have endless things to talk about.

The definition of the Lebowski test.

Person A: Hey man, some party huh.

Person B: Yeah, great party.

Person A: So you ever seen the big lebowski?

Person B: Yeah, what a piece of shit right? I dont get why people like that movie.

Person A: Sure sure, so have a good night, i gotta go. (Failed lebowski test)

by ThatsElduderino April 22, 2021

Jerry Can Test

History: A Jerry Can, is a metal container designed to transport 5.3 gallons of gasoline. These are commonly seen in military movies strapped to jeeps. The "Jerry Can Test" is actually a question: in a crisis situation would you rather have a certain person on your team or a Jerry Can of gasoline? If you would rather trade the person for a Jerry Can then they have failed the test.

I can't think of any reality TV stars that could pass the Jerry Can Test.
Mike Rowe and Chuck Norris ate the only people in Hollywood that could pass the Jerry Can test

by Matthewtake1 July 30, 2021

Spicy Sister Test

(noun): when you do something purposefully like a bish (because sometimes people just need to be put in their place) and then you tell your bf about it. His response determines if you have a future together.

This test is to be used in conjunction with and only after you have successfully completed the Bear Test.

"Hey Amanda, did Pastry ever pass his Spicy Sister Test?"

"Why, yes, he sure did Sabrina. I told him about how I sassed and stared down the short guy at work while I was wearing heels. The bf responded with, 'That's totally his own fault.' He did well and now I know he can handle this spicy sister."

by Aunt Bina March 10, 2014