Gigantic heart and gargantuan cock. He'll rock your world in more ways than one. Hottest person on the planet also very tall and sexy and gorgeous did i mention hes sexy and tall and hot and gorgeous i love jacob. he is so cool i wish i could be like him.
A big black guy who will chin you if you don’t give him your cock
Person: yo there’s Jacob
Person 2: RUN
He is such a nice genuine guy whom is so kind hearted and just the best caring person ever. He may get angry at u at times but that just shows his love for u. Jacob is a guy who is amazing at sex and has a very big dick. He is a good hugger kisser and friend and is just so sweet
Bella “meet me at my place tonight”
Jacob “ok”
The night
Bella “pull down ur pants”
Jacob “ ok”
Bella “Wow it’s so big!”
Jacob “ I know that
jacob is cute and he will be there for you at all times he pics up women fast then your dad left and is the most swaggy and truthful full man ever oh and he is a badass
A gay fat ass that only gives a shit about himself and will abuse you
Stay away from Jacobs
Son: who is that in the alley
Mom: oh that's a jacob stay away he will rape you
one of the best people you will ever meet. He will be your best friend but you might not be his because he has lots of friends due to his kindness. he is ginger which means he is a special species. He will always argue that gingers need to be a minority. He will remind you of your siblings. he is extremely smart and will probably end up at an ivy league. he will talk to you for hours and always responds. never trust him on a four-wheeler. definitely needs to be kept away from any sort of weapon. he doesn't like roller coasters. you can talk to him about anything and he will understand. one of the greatest friends you will ever have.
jacob are you on an FBI list for searching up how to make crystal meth?!!?!!!??!!!