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born again virgin

For a girl, it would be someone that has made a commitment to give up sexual intercourse and eventually their hymen will regenerate. At that point a girl can be considered a born again virgin. Even though they have remained abstinent for a long period of time, they have still experienced sex with a man and have had someone elses dick in them making them tainted goods. Having said that they are much better than a lot of the filthy whores that are among us or live in my dorm for that matter.

For a guy, it is more along the lines of someone that decides to stop being such a man whore and has a change in values.

Carly got fucked hard core by her jackass ex-boyfriend and now she is sorry for being so dumb. She has sworn to become a born again virgin from that point on but she will never be as pure as me becasue I have never been tarnished by dick.

by Becky Robertson October 28, 2006

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Psycho Virgin

n. used against people who are brand new at being crazy and having the mind of a psycho

n. a crazy bitch that you fucked a while back that won't leave you alone for the reason being you were her first.

1. "Charles Manson wasn't a psycho virgin."

2. "Bro this psycho virgin won't get off my back!"

by Benz1993 July 17, 2008

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Virgin Hunter

A useless human being that is an insult to trash

β€œYou see that ugly bastard over there” β€œ yeah?” β€œ I heard that he was a virgin hunter β€œ β€œ e w I don’t want him to rape me that’s so disgusting β€œ β€œikr”

by Me nigga tf July 30, 2020

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Virgin donkey cunt

A drink that not only leaves you on all fours after you drink one, but one that allows anyone or anything, including a donkey, to take advantage of you

"I ordered a virgin donkey cunt last night & woke up in a barn smelling like a jackass"

by BG71 April 19, 2017

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All Around Virgin

You have never been touched in any sexual way. Your lips have never met another in any way

You still are a kissing virgin as well as a sex virgin

"I've heard that Susan is an all around virgin"

by LikeAVirgin July 18, 2015

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Mining Virgin Ground

Another name for having very expensive intercourse with a virgin girl. Usually done in the Yukon Territory of Canada.

Last night, I hung out with Haley, and I had a great time mining virgin ground. I just feel bad for the next guy because she doesn't have any gold left.

by THE HUSKER May 29, 2015

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virgin vodka sprite

A fancy way of saying sprite

Could I please have a virgin vodka sprite

by AvenAngel January 20, 2022

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