Cat walk ready is a term used to describe ones physique after an episode of sickness and or diarrhea.
Natalie: "I've lost 5lbs in 3 days from food poisoning."
Danielle: "Cat walk ready."
Natalie: " I guess but I shit my pants."
The most skillful martial art in the world
I'm the master of the Philippino crab walk
Crab walk lock is a sexual position in which a female "traps" the male by a wrapping her legs around their waist during intercourse and locking the position during climax. The secret to this lock is by forming a super human, crab-like grip by the ankles the moment the male ejaculates spreading his seeds, in which "pulling out" becomes ineffective. The success rate for this technique is extremely high. While the female's egg becomes fertilized, and the male becomes an instant father without compromise.
"I'm going to pull out now .... what are you doing? are you doing the crab walk lock?! .. stop.!!!" *GAAAAAAA**
When you and 5 or more friends hire an elderly (must be 70 and older) prostitute with cane. As ritual in Arkansas the youngest male of the group must shove the handle end of the cane inside the vagina of the prostitute. If done correctly the prostitute will have a third "leg" which will assist her in walking. Also known as an AWC
*2 guys in a car*
Guy 1:Check out that prostitute!
Guy 2:Woah you see that cane! She's an Arkansas Walking Crip!
Guy 1:See knows her way around the block with a few guys.
Guy 1:She definitely got AIDS.
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A TV show on AMC based off the comic books by Robert Kirkman. It used to be really good until Scott Gimple took over as show-runner from Frank Daranbout in S4, it became increasingly obvious that the only main characters who would never die were Rick, Carl, and Daryl (who serves no purpose anymore and doesn't even exist in the comics, but they decided to make him a deuteragonist to Rick on the show because he's on a bunch of t-shirts at Hot Topic that threaten to boycott the show if he dies), and every time they killed a main character off the show it was at the worst possible moment ever because they finally seemed to be getting the happiness they worked so hard for, they were on the brink of having great new character development, and/or they faked their death by hiding them under a fucking dumpster, only to kill them off a few episodes later for real, anyway. It's been sadistic manipulation ever since sometime in S3, frankly it started becoming annoying and old when Hershel got killed off midway through S4, and by the time they got to Glenn's death it just felt like too much of cheap, obnoxious, and cruel shit storytelling.
A fan of The Walking Dead: Did you see Glenn's death on The Walking Dead last night?
Me: Yeah, that was such bullshit storytelling! No wonder so many fans quit! Glenn was the last character that I actually liked enough to keep up with this stupid show. It should have been Daryl. I'm so done with TWD. It's so predictable. Literally everyone will die, except for Rick, Carl, and Daryl. It's the same old story over and over again. Every time things seem to be looking better, they get worse, and Negan's introduction and how the writers treated Glenn so disrespectfully, like a cheap plot device for death, just marked the end of a show that I used to know and love. I'm just so tired of it all. Glenn's death drained what little remaining emotional investment that I had left in this show, so I quit.
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vi. The act of dropping a load in someoneβs hair, then repeatedly beating the steamy pile with your cock.
I took a nice long swamp walk with craigs mom.
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Someone who has had sex with so many people that they are virtually guaranteed to have multiple STD's. Similar to a walking STD.
Me: "Pat and John are walking petri dishes."
Jane: "I know, they're total male sluts."
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