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Tilt the Coffee

A idiom which means trying to tilt coffee.

Guy: Let's Tilt the Coffee!

by ecks of dee August 11, 2018

colorado coffee

A sexual act were a man inserts pre-roasted coffee beans into a women's Anus. The coffee beans are then passed from the women's Anus. The man uses the shitty coffee beans to brew a cup of black filter coffee. The man then

ejulates into the black coffee leaving a residue reminiscent of 2% milk. The couple then drink the coffee between them.

Had a one night stand with this slut last night. Had no coffee the next morning so had to make do with a colorado coffee.

by Theyoungwolf43 December 4, 2017

pussy flavored coffee

hey look down below! it says buy a pussy flavored coffee mug! how odd...

some random gullible dude: :O a pussy flavored coffee mug! how awesome!!

free money am i right

by Dragons Breath May 12, 2022

coffee saucer

Giant nipples

Damn girl...u a dime but those giant coffee saucer nipples mad me lose my hardon

by bobby broheezy December 6, 2009

coffee table

the most despicable and racist word in the universe

that chile abuser is a coffee table

by lol893 July 8, 2024

Coffee chick

A "Coffee Chick" is a girl that will always be willing to know everything that is happening in your girlfriends life. Such as your private sex life, inter-relationship arguments and e.t.c. Your girlfriend's Coffee Chick will address herself as your friend, but always approaches you with a glare.

The vise-versa (a Boyfriend's guy friend), is often referred to as a "Beer Buddy" or "Beer Bud". This friend will listen, but often will be drunk so forgets it the next day. Or her doesn't care.

A gay man, who is best-friends with your girlfriend, is a "Coffee Guy"... same thing.

Coffe Chick: C'mon... Tell me. What happened with John last night?!

Mary: He doesn't want me to tell you.

Coffee Chick: Don't listen to him! I'm your Coffee Chick!

Mary: Okay! Okay! Well... Last night, John sorta... You know.

Coffee Chick: Again?! He needs to... Control that.

Mary: I know. *chuckles.

Coffee Chick: Hahahahaha!

They both break out in laughter.

by KoRnMeal;( July 11, 2012

1👍 2👎

Famous Coffee Artist

Linda Finstad has earned the title of famous coffee artist by painting over 1500 original coffee paintings.

She discovered painting with coffee as a way of keeping busy during the pandemic and this distraction changed her life. Her coffee paintings are featured in 7 books and an entire line of greeting cards. The art is made using different strengths of instant coffee on watercolor paper.

Due to the prolific practice of painting with instant coffee Linda Finstad is the famous coffee artist

by Famous Coffee Artist August 17, 2024