Source Code

oye don got a bona

aussie term reffering to male genitalia erecting into a bonage translation to american i have recived a boner

jay gets naked
jeff : oye eu don gave mey a mouy e big bona oye
jay:oye don got a bona too oye

by dinkman 5000 August 6, 2008

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Becuz I Got High

The ultimate site for stoners to submit their "high" stories.

BIGH: I had this guy friend years ago who never bought his own weed. Yet, he was always there and ready to smoke mine. That got old -quick. So I bought a bong shaped like a big erect penis and I started saving money because he refused to hit it! I've still got that Bong, hits nice...becuz i got high

by Becuz I Got High February 24, 2010

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got his ass packed

To be ass raped, forcefully.

Dude was a pedophile and was sentenced to prison, and got his ass packed by BIG Bubba!

by dmillswvu82 February 24, 2023

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You Just Got Berged!

A offensive saying that may offend many people. You got Pwned, nOObed, owned, or shanked. Usually for Counter-Strike when some one headshot shanks you. Relating to the Iraqi Beheading incident with Nick Berg. A Threat towards someone by sliding your thumb across you throat like a knife.

Ex. 1
Player 2 : Wtf??!?!!? Berged?
Player 1 : Nick Berg... beheading.

Ex. 2
OHH you got BERGED!!

Ex. 3
I'm gonna Nick Berg you.
Nick Berg.

by Honginator October 6, 2004

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Just got out of the rain

Just got out of the shower

I'll text ya later, after i get out of the rain.

Hey man, i just got out of the rain!

by KayGe April 5, 2010

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Bass has got me

The act of bass hitting one so hard that is actually causes an erected pen1s. In broader terms, any situation when the p3n1s is solid aka non flaccid.

Sam - "Trusst, this tune is 'ard!"
Sean - "Ooah, bass has got me!"

Sam - "One for you cuz"
Sean - "No no, bass will get me"

by ilstevo:) March 2, 2011

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You got a problem with coach?

Used for when you have a problem, usually with an authority figure.

Yo Ty, you got a problem with coach?

Nah fam he’s annoying tho

by Rythegoodguy October 5, 2018

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