Papi Steve is Adrian's papi.
Type an example of how Papi Steve is used
That guy who does everything way cheaper than your local business'. Need a haircut, call Kitchen Steve, Tattoo? He's not licensed but he got this cool tattoo gun off eBay once and he practices on himself.
Dude you don't need to pay $60 for that haircut man, Kitchen Steve will do it for $10. Let me give him a call!
A man who leaves random reviews on Google
Ask Steve Blake!!
A man who leaves random reviews on Google
Ask Steve Blake!!
When I guy is going done on his girl and he’s super heavy breathing like he’s snorkeling
My mans most deft scuba steved me last night
guy who unfortunately died of ligma. some people dont know who he is
Gary: Did you hear Steve Jobs died of ligma?
Kyle: who is steve jobs?
Gary: Kyle you idiot
Steve Jobs was the former CEO of Apple Inc, and one of the founders of DreamWorks animation. He died a few days before the iPhone 4s was released back in October of 2011.
steve jobs was a great CEO of Apple before he died.