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Holding your sausage hostage

Roughing up the witness.
A date with Rosy Palm and her five sisters.
Washing the goose's neck.

by Anonymous September 28, 2003

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Holding your sausage hostage

roughing up the suspect.
rub one out.

Instead of holding the sausage hostage, I decided that I'd be roughing up the suspect.

by blotter November 17, 2003

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throwing a sausage up a close

close as in lobby or communal entrance-way. sausage as in john thomas. A description of having sex with a woman whose fanny is particulary slack.

"She said it didn't touch the sides, but it was like throwing a sausage up a close!"

by Michael S. Clark November 20, 2003

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Connah's Quay Cumberland Sausage

This is where a man uses his sausage to cum over another man's sausage. It is then taken around the town so that other villagers may taste it! This local delicacy and tradition is done quarterly and usually by those who have just started puberty.

Bob: Ooargh, you've got my sausage now give it to the Reverend and let him have the taste of the sperm
Ian: I love the Connah's Quay Cumberland Sausage

by 69MikeOxlong69 April 16, 2011

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Santa Fe Sausage Roll

The unique sexual act that involves two men, a Magnum condom with the tip cut off, and a LOT of lubricant.

There is no example because no one has done the Santa Fe Sausage Roll yet.

by mannymal July 2, 2011

Sausage roll tits

When a girls tits look like somebody has stuck two sausage rolls to her chest and then scratched away the pastry.

"Ooh man, you should have seen how bad her tits were, they were pure Sausage roll tits!"


"She had stretchies all over her little envelopes, like she has had a fight with a tiger and lost! Proper Sausage roll tits!"

by ddotadotn July 28, 2009

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Santa Fe Sausage-Roll

What happens when you combined the definition 4 of sausage roll (for F/M), and definition 1 of sausage rolling (for M/M), with all the outstanding features of santa fe, including chilli sauce (preferably made from trinidad scorpion butch t chillies, but anything past a naga jolokia pepper will suffice), mustard, shredded monterey jack cheese, and close body contact. Santa fe is translated "holy faith" and this manoeuvre is accompanied with an internal prayer that this will not result in third degree burns to your body, particularly your genital regions. Acceptable Foreplay is taken to be Definition 1 of Sausage roll. If (Muncirumsised /M uncirumsised) the act may stop here, or may continue as with the definition of body contact.

First coined by Robert Brockway of cracked.com, when he declared he will do this for Donations of $10,000 or More.

A Santa Fe Sausage-roll, may not be an actual deviant act, however given a sausage roll, santa fe hotdog, santa fe salad, and a santa fe fiesta aren't family fun-time approved, it's probably it isn't so chaste either.

The maintaining of full eye-contact throughout the whole thing is an agreement "it's not gay if it's a dare", "it's not gay if it's for money", and "it's not gay if you're married". A further term of this unspoken agreement is that this isn't to be brought up with each-other's parents or mother-in-law if the relationship between you both ever goes further than this experience.

Robert Brockway: "You want to do the Santa Fe Sausage-roll? I'll do it, and I won't even cry. I'll look you right in the eye, the entire time." (upon receiving donations of $10,000 or more)

by Aimez-Moi July 5, 2011

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