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sick fuck elf

A sick fuck elf is one nasty little cunt. Usually can be used along with the term Asshat. Derived from the "Warhammer" series and made popular by James Buddy.

"Man that guy is a sick fuck elf"
"What a bunch of sick fuck elves"

by Official_WhaleWatchers October 10, 2017

Stage Sick

Stage sick is when you are a performer and haven't been on the stage for awhile! You feel sad and want to be back to the stage!

Person : I'm so Stage sick I'm glad I have an audition coming up!

by Love_act January 5, 2017

Dick sick

When someone deep throats a dick so hard they vomit all over said dick.

Whoa!!! You just got dick sick all over me.

He was so far down my throat that I got dick sick all over him.

by oldballs August 18, 2016

Dick Sick

Like homesick. But instead of home, dicks.

"Damn bitch, you dick sick!"

by Skankevich May 21, 2017

Dick sick

When your significant other has an attitude problem from the lack of DICK withdrawal'n from sex

Your bitch is dick sick my amigo, go and give her dick an adjust her attitude.

by Trapske November 14, 2021