A pink sock so large it can keep a homeless man warm.
Josh's pink sleeping bag kept Thomas alive last winter.
When you're exhausted and can physically feel yourself start to pass out and dream. Knowing you're gonna be asleep within minutes.
*lays down on couch*
"Welp, that workout gave me some sleep momentum"
*sleeping within 2 minutes*
Trying to keep yourself up for so long that you eventually feel high, but you’re not high, you’re just sleep
“Dude I feel sleep toasted, I’ve been up for 30 hours and everything is funny.”
Something severely underrated by a wider community.
Based on the 2015 Doctor Who episode of the same name.
Damn, that car is such a Sleep No More!
A big bloody underrated diamond
Bloody hell, that car is such a Sleep No More!
When you haven't got enough sleep, or you go out and the next day you feel like super tired, and you can tolerate high notices. Like an actual hangover but produce by the lack of sleep.
Dude yesterday i stayed up all night and i didn't sleep, i feel like i have a sleeping hangover
When you tend to cuddle in your sleep
And there was Tom, being a sleep panda to Richard