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Troll Stroll

When a girl is brought home by a guy after being at bars, then passes out and wets the bed.

Jake: I heard you got Krissy over the other night

Steve: Yeah, but she just troll strolled and I had to jerk it in the corner.

by German Spy April 22, 2012

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She Trolling

She Trolling (verb) - To She Troll.

She Trolling is the fine art of hanging around looking for women on a night out to pull - generally in locations you expect them to go to such as Taxi Ranks, leaving night clubs at closing time and the like.

The advantage of she-trolling over more conventional methods is that you can take advantage of:

- Getting drunk at home without paying a fortune in clubs
- Not having to buy girls drinks, as they're leaving
- Potentially getting some poon as they're hopefully going to be quite drunk.

Ryan: Fancy going She Trolling tonight?
Me: Sure, where we headed?
Ryan: We'll go to yours, get pissed, then head out to the nearest club at 2am at kickout time
Me: Sounds like a plan!

by SheTroll'r July 24, 2011

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1. a philosophi-troll is a person who interjects an opinion or any other irrational bias into a philosophical discussion. This includes, but is not limited to any of the following:
-Taking offense to any particular supporting point of the philosophical argument without taking into account its place in the structure of the argument
-contesting the argument on emotional grounds, or
-contesting semantics within any particular supporting point of the argument, especially if done so before hearing the conclusion of the thesis.

2. an internet troll who posts on philosophical discussion forums.

"Hey Vanessa. How was philosophy club?"
"You know. The normal. We had a good discussion going about free will vs determinism until this philosophi-troll started harping on about how the bible says God gave us free will."

by SidWreck January 10, 2010

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The act of trolling resulting in the gratitude (or non-anger) of the reader.

Person 1: Dude. You're such a troll.
Person 2: Nah, man. I'm an un-troll.
Person 1: So you're a fail troll.
Person 2: I bring smiles, not hate. I un-troll.

by DarkWolffe December 5, 2011

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Internet troll

A system administrator who trolls user accounts looking for personal information.

I am not going to open an account there because I know it is administered by Internet trolls.

by Ann Myers May 3, 2006

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Apocalypse Troll

a person who constantly sends information over sites such as facebook, myspace, twitter, etc. about the end of the world and anything in relation to such an occurence. usually resulting in extreme annoyance of the troll's friends

John-"guys the worlds ending tomorrow! im gonna go out and do this and this and this!"
person-"John the world isnt ending tomorrow you are such an apocalypse troll!"

by F.M.P May 20, 2011

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Rick Trolling

Rick Trolling is a combination of rick-rolling and trolling. Through rick trolling, one may divert the focus of conversation using rickrolls. Usually done in a similar manner to drive by rickrolling, or making lots of posts to many threads with the specific intent of rickrolling everyone in every thread.

Joe: Hey guys i need info on brushless hard drive motors
Bob: Hey look! youtube.com/rickroll
Joe: Ricktroller >_>
Example of Rick Trolling

by Stephen304 June 30, 2010

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