my stomach was rumbling after I had that chilli I instantly knew I had water booty
Water zoo - this alternative term for what is referred to as a "Aquarium".
“ I have never seen a dolphin. Even in anything like a water zoo or whatever they are called”
Water Sheep: *dies*
PewDiePie: *builds a church, meatball, and a place for holy water sheep*
A sheep stuck in an endless loop stuck in the current of water, unable to escape residing in Minecraft this was first discovered by Felix Kjellberg, more famously known as Pewdiepie.
Water sheep died in Felix's Minecraft Let's Play from a magma block and pistons by Felix, unknowing of the consequences, Water Sheep later died.
Following this inconsolable experience, the Council of Water Sheep, along with the church followed, as Pewdiepie lives the rest of his days reminiscing not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.
Pewdiepie: WÖT! Is that Water sheep!
Jacksepticeye: ... Can I eat it?
Pewdiepie: No, It's WOÖOTER SHEEP!
Jacksepticeye: *Starves to death*
A rainbow sheep from PewDiePie's famous gaming series "Minecraft Epic".
It used to be a grey sheep before it was named jeb_ and swam around the corner to Felix's Minecraft garden. It died of suffocation soon in the series due to Felix torturing him with pistons.
"Water Sheep was like a father to me."
-Felix Kjellberg to Water Sheep's death
Water Sheep is the deserving god of the server of thy Broland not the beetroot scum. He shall rise once again to overthrow thy beetroot trash and reign forever.
Everyone: All hail Water Sheep x69
Water Sheep:
Pewdiepie: U wat, thot?
Pewdiepie’s abused Minecraft sheep. He spent his time in the corner of his garden, listening to a bell and getting pushed by pistons. After his death Pewds built a church and made the council of water sheep. After Pewds went insane he killed them starting the council of beetroot.
Pewds: *Screaming and ringing bell*
Water sheep: Bruh