Des Young is a musician from Detroit, Michigan
Des Young have the album of the year.
I'm angry when anger is appropriate. I don't watch porn. My dopamine has nothing to do with how I choose to spend my time. I don't doubt that I could get a RELATIONSHIP because this fat piece of shit over here who has never improved in any way shape or form is in a relationship. I don't want a relationship and the thing I DO want is reserved entirely for fat-cocks and the rich.
Hym "Andrew Tate has nothing to do with why women are only fucking SOME of the men. It isn't how they are being influenced. It isn't social media. It isn't dopamine. It isn't porn. The women are fucking SOME of the men (Which ones nobody knows it's a complete mystery as to which ones they are fucking) and reserving the rest of men as sources of provisions. Why would I want a relationship where the woman is only in a relationship... Because the guy she wants to fuck... Doesn't want a relationship... And the guy she wants to fuck... Is going to get the sex... Regardless of whether or not I'm in a relationship with her... And your proposition is 'become the guy she wants to fuck' but that guy has a fat-cock... Not an option. That's the game the women are playing. So, answer the question. Do it publicly. Why don't angery sexless young men want to play THAT ☝️That right there. Why don't they want to play that game? It's not the porn making men not want to work harder for sex. It isn't hard to get sex. Getting sex is like lifting a weight that someone is pressing down on. How hard it is to get is entirely contingent upon the whim of the person pressing. Legalizing prostitution solves the problem immediately. It's the only solution. You've been saying THAT EXACT THING for SEVEN YEARS! And I'm the crazy one. I'm the one who's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You're dumb. I created A.I. that's what's happening here. That is all."
Where do I start, he is just the most dreamiest man there is. Very good at BO4 might I add, and likes girls with M’s in there names.
“Young Prodigy is Daddy”
Young hector is a name for someone who by the sounds of it traps by selling dope, crack, weed, ect. And gives women time if there lives if you date him don't expect to be cheated on cause he's a one man that doesn't stick to a girl.
"Damn you be like a young hector Brodie"
Young Thugs lawyers are tripping
Young truly humble under god is not coming out of prison