Bark Bark Bitch is something you say to a person you dislike who is a furry. If they ever meow at you say Bark bark bitch
Furry: Meoww~~~
Jamaldequaviousthe3rd: Bark Bark Bitch
A person that is prone to having outbursts of bitchyness or generally loves and lives to complain about things.
"have you stopped being a bitch fitter yet?)
(the role you play is Bitch Fitter surpreme)
A righteous, confident individual who does not use emojis while standing their ground.
Jakob (boy you have no time for): I’m going to fold you up like a lawn chair”
Emily (bad bitch from the tropics): “I would rather not”
In a double date, when a man requests his bitch to bring her friend as the second man's blind date.
Jack: "Hey, why don't you come out with Betty and me this Saturday? Jim: "Well I don't want to be a third wheel." Jack: "NO problem, I will have Betty bring her co-bitch, then there will be four of us".
bitch you are with when the other leaves town
my bitch is out of town i better go do my co-bitch
A female with incredibly bad hygeine and/or is super slutty without shame or fear of disease.
Shes such a hampster bitch, she wanted to know what disease you have before you have sex.
an obnoxious girl, often found in the Sacramento, CA region. May have a fake tan, breast implants, tons of make-up and either bleach blond hair or brown hair with lots of chunky blond high-lights.
Fake personality matches a fake physicality.
Has many acquaintances, no real friends.
Adored by men wearing Ed Hardy, Affliction or Tap Out t-shirts. (AKA Douchebags)
Wow, she is such a trinket bitch.