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Getting the help that you need

Hohohohoho, nope! Not even a little bit. The OPPOSITE, actually! Hahaha!

Hym "Getting the help that you need? Fuck no! Black mirror promised me coffee with Salma Hayek and I have yet to have coffee with Salma Hayek... This is dog-shit! Horse-shit even!"

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024

When you F up

When one does something really bad they will regret later (unless they have no conscience at all).

I knew a guy who planned a school shooting cuz he got upset over a rumor of him and a girl. Turns out he was joking though he got a felon and it was all over the news. That guy is an example of When you F up.

by happyatcommonsense February 24, 2019

watch out boy, she'll chew you up

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

When in doubt.... watch out boy, she'll chew you up.

by GlazeHer July 20, 2017

thank you bitch

When you are trying to be nice but are low key pissed. This may include saying this word just to be nice but, secretly your not thankful.

“Here i brought you food!” “Thank you bitch.”

by hello_kitty1 April 7, 2019

Fuck you smoke

After someone completely pisses you off it is the act of lighting up your cigarette or cigar before or during you going completely off on someone or ignoring orshunning them completely. Often times resulting in blowing smoke in the face of someone intentionally or unintentionally due to not giving a fuck.

You know when she lights up her fuck you smoke the fight is about to be on.

by Grillspeed January 17, 2021

You know what else is massive?

Used in response to someone saying "massive" in a sentence, typically followed by "LOW TAPER FADE".

Person 1: This building is massive!

by Joao3 January 10, 2025

13👍 1👎

i'll fuck you . up.

when someone says "i'll fuck you.up" they mean that they'll beat the shit out of you but they also wanna fuck you.

girl: shut the fuck up man

boy:bro ill fuck you. i mean..
i'll fuck you . up.

by hornknee February 13, 2024