To be a fan of or largely intrested anthropomorphic creatures, furries can often be seen in animal costumes dressed as foxes or wolfs aswell as other animals they're often discriminated against largely due to the odd nature of the fandom. Some people believe being a furry will lead to a form of beasteality because of the more sexual side of the fandom often containing porn of comic animals with anatomically correct genetalia which is concerning to say the least.
Liam is a furry who wears a fox costume
A human that, for some insane reason, decides to put on a stupid animal suit and walk around going "UwU, owO" like a mental. Fursuits are generally brightly colored in a way that makes the wearer look like a deranged freakin' monster. Most furries behave in a way that disgusts anyone with a fourth of a braincell.
A cool person that likes animals and has their own character based off one, some fursona’s are animals classed as Fantasy creatures some even made to be a fursona like Protogen and Dutch Dragons!.
Furries are incredibly miss understood people and you may hear “they think their animals” from people but we/they know we’re humans.
Furries also tend to have a large respect for the Environment.
15% of Furries even have a fursuit which is their own custom animal from their imagination made into a costume.
Furries also go to places called Furry-Conventions where Furries can go to have fun being them.
If you like the sound of this and think it’s for you, then give it a try and become a Furry, the fandom always has open arms to anyone who wishes to become a Furry ❤️
Note: if you don’t like Furries it’s probably because you see the worst in people ( just have a think about that, I’m not aiming it a people I’m just saying )
Furry never did nothing wrong ❤️
A group of people who like anthro animals but that doesn't mean they want to have sex with an animal.
Person1:youuu steven is a furry keep your dog out of his arms
Person2:just because he is a furry doesn't mean he wants to fuck your dog
Something that should be exterminated.
They are all r*pists, zoophiles and p*dophiles
Person 1: Hey dude i am one of the Furries now!
Person 2: So you are getting exterminated at 5/8/2022 7:43:18:78 Am