Source Code

Weezer Huddle

A term for a confidential gathering of Weezers

"Guys, I think we need to call a Weezer Huddle"

by ImaBigNerd October 13, 2023

Weezer Glazer

Guy who glazes Weezer

I'm a Weezer Glazer

by PixelyGuy December 17, 2023


The religion of Weezer. Weezus is god.

"Have you heard of weezerism?"
"Lets pray to Weezus."

by Kyaisemo April 30, 2024

Weezer Weeb

Somebody who obsesses over Weezer, much like weebs obsess over insert obscure anime.

Normal guy 1: Hey did you hear that Fred had Buddy Holly on loop for 4 hours?

Normal guy 2: “Jeez louise he’s such a weezer weeb..”

by Ihateweezer July 21, 2022

Post-Weezer Clarity

When you stop listening to Weezer and realize how much of your life you just wasted

"This Post-Weezer Clarity really hits different after listening to "Buddy Holly" nonstop for 6 days straight!"

by MicrowavedBurrito1 November 18, 2023

Peedle weezers

A group of Little or young children

All the peedle weezers showed up promptly for class .

by My drywall guy June 27, 2017

wow weezer

To be surprised. In shock. (In a polish way)

Gram walks into a party and says Wow Weezer!

by Auntie Gram January 7, 2024