A person who is so dumb that they can’t get a simple question right or make their own decisions
F1-Speedboss has 0 Iq
An IQ test is a construct that determines our potential without factoring in how much time and love there is to learn. Remove false equations and there is more harmony = less disconnect.
No idea what they were saying, so IQ’d into their harmony. Such lovely tunes! Made perfect sense!
it's a word made for social retards so they have a resson to be wiered
An index between you height(in cm) and you weight(in kg), varies directly with hair loss.
One punch man has a high IQ !!!!
A bogus concept that claims to be a measure of intelligence, but in reality, is as problematic as using BMI as a measure of healthy weight. IQ tests have been demonstrated to be culturally biased (that is, they rely heavily on questions that presuppose knowledge of white, Western culture). In reality, intelligence isn't something people are born with varying amounts of, it's a muscle that people choose to exercise or not, and just about anyone (save for the PROFOUNDLY cognitively disabled) can be smart or stupid, depending on whether they choose to be observant of what's really going on around them, pay attention to detail, and learn from experiences both positive and negative, or just walk around the world like a dumbass with their head in the sand. There are many more stupid people in the world, because stupidity is the path of least resistance, being smart takes effort. Some people are better with numbers, memorizing patterns, spatial orientation, sure, but that isn't intelligence, those are just specific skills that people will naturally have varying degrees of. True intelligence or stupidity isn't something that's inborn, it's a choice to pay attention, make good decisions, and seek out helpful information, or not. The fact that so many high-IQ people are good at taking tests, but are complete and utter dumbasses in every other facet of life, should put to rest the idea that IQ means anything at all, but unfortunately, this very stupid myth still persists.
The fact that there are high-IQ people who advocate fascism, but my ex-girlfriend who is technically learning-disabled, and so bad with directions that she could get lost in a NYC street grid, volunteers her time passionately to help immigrants and low-income people, and taught herself Spanish, proves that IQ has jack-all to do with actual intelligence.