A language family that includes Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian as well as a lot of minority languages in Russia. Named after Ural mountains, their assumed place of origin.
Uralic languages have a shit-ton of cases.
The zoby language is a language made by zoby in 2017. It is primarily doggo lingo and English, with some other words that are..... interesting. The language was made well zoby was being herself, saying words weirdly on purpose. Her friends labeled the her dialect as a language, and this page on urban dictionary was born. Zoby’s cat, out!
“Do you know zoby language?”
“ yes, I am fluent in zoby language.”
A type of language used by the YouTuber Mooter Tv
Mooter Language means a language spoken by Mooter Tv
Moo:I'll be gone for a few minutes
Translation:Ill be gone for a few hours
Definition:Normally has to do with time,as Mooter Tv normally says a few minutes and takes hours,but can be used just to describe how he talks.
It's a language spoken by lily and can be only deciphered by a few people
„sets of beliefs about language articulated by users as a rationalization or justification of perceived language structure and use (Silverstein 1979: 193)"
Source: Silverstein, Michael (1979). Language Structure and Linguistic Ideology. In : R. Cline, W. Hanks und C. Hofbauer (Hg.), The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels 193‐247. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
language ideology: The belief, that there is only ONE correct meaning of a word, is the product of language ideologies.
A language where nearly everything is misspelled, you must master this language to understand everything.
Wiw yall luk ugle!
I du not car if u hat meh fir speking elku language
Someone who is really good at making definitions.
That John made so many definitions! He must be a language artist!