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reese witherspoon

A famous actress that is apparently stalked by some and vigorously hated by others.

Wow, urbandictionary.com contributers sure are opinionated, aren't they? Some of these definitions creep me out, no one should know THAT much about a celebrity (reese witherspoon).

by JPJiggly December 9, 2007

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Reeses Pieces

The practice of placing one’s penis in another person’s anus then slowly pulling out, resulting in the accumulation of feces just under and around the tip of the penis. After which the previously analed person eats around the edges of the penis, emulating the normal technique for eating a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup

Molly: My boyfriend and I are looking for a threesome tonight. You DTF?

Kirill: Hell yeah...I would def share that nut with you!

Molly: Great! Tonight Im finally gonna try munchin on his Reese's bits...got any advice?

Kirill: There's no wrong way to eat a Reeses Pieces!

by 82Central March 3, 2011

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Reeses Penis

When you’re girl covers your dick in chocolate and peanut butter then sucks it off

Yo my chick gave me a Reeses Penis last night

by ImTrashAtFortnite March 18, 2018

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pokey reese

backup short stop and starting 2b for the redsox. he is argualbly the best shortstop in the majors.

did u see how high that ball was, before pokey reese got it!?

by nick July 24, 2004

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reese bj

When you apply peanut butter and Nutella to a penis then preform oral sex.

When she loves food so much she offers to do a Reese bj.

by shhh you don't know me April 9, 2016

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santana reese

A black kid who likes to talk about rape. Who looks like a huge Sperm monster that will swallow you in your nightmares. A guy who is to young to become a rapist. But still he the looks of a rapist. No wonder he likes to wear sweat pants. He always the pressure of sweat in him. He is more than a ordinary type of rapist. He is a donkey rapist. Fun fact he always put maple syrup and grease in every victim. He is a butt monkey rapist. He always pounds his victims with those Bananas. He will do every type of monkey. Because he has jungle fever in him. He loves anime porn. But gay anime porn. He always prefers the big beefy fruity and huge muscular meatballs. Let's not forget those tasty Abe's. He's favorite planet is uruans. He really loves the size of uruans. Everyday Santana always thinks of every body part. Every time. Every day. No wonder his mother swallowed the sperm.

Why is Santana Reese is putting grease on that girl. When a girl bends over Santana Reese always goes donkey mode.

by Rkm69 April 10, 2019

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Caitlyn Reese

the dumbest ass person alive. she has an amazing best friend. shes really smart, short and fatt. she doesnt look good in ANY type of clothing and complains about herself soo much. shes really dessperate for a boyfriend, and she thinks she needs one to be happy.

Caitlyn Reese is a loser.

by flue856 December 7, 2011

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