get off of this website i think youre a bit to bored?
im bored so i searched up/.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321 on urban dictionary
ummm what the sigma /.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321
when you are bored in spanish class and you want to type on ur chromebook during school
Im bored im gonna type my keyboard out bottom right to the top so it comes out as /.,mnbvcxz´;lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq`1234567890-=
I typed this first find another keyboard combination u bozo
when you r so bored in class and youve typed every combination on the key board.
=-0987654321\poiuytrewq';lkjhgfdsa/.,mnbvcxz is a new combination guys!!!!!!
woah, you're bored, huh?
"i'm so bored i'm defining my keyboard smash on urban dictionary"
"what was the keyboard smash?"
your more than just bored. at this point, you might go to the corner of your classroom while class is going on and type all the rows of your qwerty keyboard from the right to the left, top to bottom.
me: lets see if /.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=08654321` exists here
me: im the first one to define it! maybe im going to stop being bored for once.
your more than just bored. at this point, you might go to the corner of your classroom while class is going on and type all the rows of your qwerty keyboard from the right to the left, top to bottom.
me: lets see if /.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=08654321` exists here
me: im the first one to define it! maybe im going to stop being bored for once.