Source Code

40 koozie

A brown paper bag for a 40oz bottle of malt liquor

Liquor store clerk: Got some 40s?
Me: yeah, turning up tonight
Clerk: Cool let me get you some 40 Koozies

by Boozeman1026 December 8, 2016

40 thieves

Ali Baba has them

I got them 40 thieves Ahli baba

by niudtikftygt xfgbv April 1, 2019

Room 40

A place of no significance or substance, used as a placeholder to finish out a the joke.

"Have you ever been to Room 40?”

“No what’s that?”

“What’s what?”

"Room 40!”

Room for these nuts in your mouth

by mydtog October 13, 2023

Furkan 40

When a basketball player who is not well known, considering the level of game, scores a lot of points.

LeBron: “Wow! How did Luke Babbitt score 35 points on us?”
Hassan: “Dude, you guys let him drop a Furkan 40 lol. Terrible defense.”

by dickey6969 August 17, 2018

Taking 40

You are taking forever or you taking to long.

You taking 40 to respond to my messages

You taking 40 to get me

by Folksnem44 November 29, 2019

wet 40

Back in the day (the 70's) in LA County Jail - you were allowed to have cash - up to $40 - to spend on commissary and whatever else you wanted to buy. In order to get the inmate the cash, you had to hand it to a jailer who would then put it in an envelope and get it to the inmate. What they didnt know was people were putting hits of acid on the bills. Once they found this out, whenever you would give money to a guard, they would dunk it in water before giving it to the inmate... thus the term "Wet 40."

Hey Holmes, did you get any money for smokes?

I got a Wet 40.

You got my money bro?
Here's a Wet 40.

by 949Scott August 3, 2021

Error 40

its not a problem with the hardware. its a user error
the error is 40 cm from the screen

error 40, nothing to do with the hardware

by rocka_fett December 1, 2017