i just can’t put how utterly amazing annabell is into words. they are beautiful and not ashamed of who they are. their soul and their mind are vast areas that are made up of many difference characteristics making them never a boring person to be around. both wildly intelligent in every way imaginable, and creative in an obvious way. annabell’s can do anything they put their mind to. they give you the feeling of a warm rustic cabin, in that they are warm and comforting and you could see yourself with them forever. they have their opinions but keep it to themselves mostly in an effort to respect others. they are everything that makes up an amazing and insightful person.
Annabell’s so cute!!
Salut criss lol
Annabelle has a nice butt
oh you see that butt! That must be Annabelle RJ
Annabels are usually very Sarcastic. They're either very bold and Outgoing or introverts, Who have a few close friends. No inbetweens. They take a lot of risks and usually don't care ab School work but do it Anyways. (based on personal experience)
You : hi Annabel
synonymous for a piece of shit <3
A: yo look at that annabel over there!
B: wow is she on c.ai?
Pulls all the guys sexy and the best person in the world with a Willy
Omg who is that sexy person
Annabel obviously
Annabel is the woman of Dylan’s dreams
Dylan likes Annabel ( also known as A )