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Apology accepted! It sounded sincere. You don't have to grovel at my feet or nothing but... I have been known to accept whore sacrifices.

Hym "Apology accepted."

by Hym Iam January 25, 2023


Sorry to anyone that got involved in mine and Jerrys fight. We are over it now

This is an apology to anyone we may have disturbed. Sorry (except for jackavacado because he's a homophobe)

by Dom's shiny booty cheeks October 30, 2020

mom apology

In the event your mom f's up and doesn't apologies, instead she'll suddenly act sweeter or friendlier.

Child: *didn't do anything*
Mom: *nags at child for nothing*

Child: *proves innocence*
Mom: *feels guilt* so want to get ice cream?

Child: mom apology accepted

by Momski September 24, 2017

David Dobrik apology videos

David Dobrik apology videos are videos nobody cares about >:(

He's making me watch David Dobrik apology videos! You guys, no one cares about Youtube apology videos especially David Dobrik's! - Edward Centeno

by lxuren May 19, 2021

rhetorical apology

An apology that does not require an "it's ok" response. Usually the person who is being apologized to should actually be doing the apologizing. Rhetorical apologies are often stated with large amounts of unmistakable sarcasm.

Incorrect response...

Guy: Oh come on girl! What's wrong with having a little fun?
Girl: Um do I look like the kind of person who's ok with just having "a little fun?" I'm not a slut. Sorry.
Guy: That's ok.
Girl: That was a rhetorical apology you doucher.

Correct response...

Guy: Oh come on girl! What's wrong with having a little fun?
Girl: Um do I look like the kind of person who's ok with just having "a little fun?" I'm not a slut. Sorry.
Guy: Oh no no! I'm sorry! I was completely out of line.

by gimmieames December 7, 2010

Apologizing day

The day you apologize to everyone (Jan 25th)

Boy 1: Hey it’s Jan 25th!
Boy 2: what’s that?
Boy 1: Apologizing day!

by DrappingDino January 26, 2021

nerd apology

When one nerd realizes they were wrong during an earlier discussion with another nerd, and issues an apology to clarify the situation.

Sorry Justin, I owe you a nerd apology. At the start of the Lord of the Rings movie Gladriel does in fact wear one of the three rings. This is most unusual for an elf.

by luke_simmo February 19, 2014