archer spamming is a term to describe players in AOW2 who spam archers, slingers and crossbowmen and use it as an advantage against there opponent
Hey supermanfan2123134 is archer spamming what a sped!
Woman from COC(K) who is very hot
I want to suck Archer Queen's toes
THE are the best at everything. Very very hot and loves pussy better than Leighton, Finley and Biju.
Connor archer is amazing.
Urban artist from Los Angeles specializing in fashion & fashion graphics. Also the Head Designer for The Marathon Clothing owned by the late great Nipsey Hussle
Archer one designed all of Nipsey Hussle’s clothing & Art
archer, a certified slime eater cuz hes a fat cunt that likes littke boys he got fired from kfc ffor eating all the chicken the fat dog he eats all the chicken nuggest and wants his 18th party to be in the maccas playground woth all the faggot little boys he keeps in his basement and touches every night. Plus he's got the wolly g hairline. Thinks hes batman. Can deadlift 1 robert bracci for PB. hes a stinky slimy pedo that tugs to little men when he looks at animals and children. he really does get off to everything.
"who wieghs more??? the fat prick archer casey or sick cunt wollie g
definenelty archer hes unberable lathargic and fat,"
the archer is the anxious, for the ones with attachment/abandonment issues, the ones who have a hard time trusting, the insecure, the ones who hide their struggle, the people pleasers, the burnt out gifted kids, the one who is pulling back the arrow but never releases it
taylor swift literally wrote the archer about me
A verb used to describe how you’re going to change the situation from something boring to something boss-ass and epic.
“I’m gonna Archerize this date, Dude!”
“Yo, watch me Archerize this drift.”