Probably something that has supernatural abilities however disguises itself as a food
Bro, I think beans might be like magic or something
Beans is like the ‘tea’ or ‘what crackin’
It would usually be relationship based.
Someone named Holly: hay Lewis your a fucking bangin boy.
Lewis: thanks hoe-lly.
Joel: I’ve heard your talking to someone named Holly what’s the beans nigga.
acronym for “booty eating ass nigga”
you see cuz over there, yea he’s a bean
A carnivores monster that usually preys on wild cats. A group of beans is called a burrito. If you ever come across a burrito walk away quickly and quietly but most can assume you are already dead for beans have excellent hearing and will come at you with such speed the likes of have never been seen. Only few have claimed to have seen these burritos but most of the pictures have been blurry of some have been proven fake. They are as mythical as bigfoot but they have been reported in the mountains of Utah and Idaho though many flock over there they remain elusive. Please be safe travelling these part.
1. Watch out I saw a burrito of beans over yonder. 2. Kid: Where's Jimmy? Mother: He is gone now, he was taken by some beans.