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Deron’s stuffed animal

“Hey Deron do you have bob?”

by Dumbrich November 26, 2019




by hi im lonely November 1, 2021


A loud noise. Like a thud but more Bobby

Did something explode? I just heard a large bob.

by Manic Mongoose September 3, 2018


He's the guy your wife told you not to worry about. Yeah, that guy.

Bob stole my wife. My wife left me with Bob. Bob can suck my cock. Fuck Bob.

by Bob, you're a dead man. December 16, 2020


The first Mensch in the morning you greet and the last Mensch at night you whisper good night to.
Could be my Wahnsinns-best-friend for life if only he didnt live in Aachen. Has a cute smile when it is free of intention and a pair of timid, collected, apprehensive eyes. I tell him everything and anything. He accepts huggy and physical people like me. Not the most talkative in person but willing to improve. Very helpful, comforting. Very polite when he wants to be. At the same time hedgehoggy, time-aloner, escapist, rude. Bob is a dream to be with because he makes me feel good, wanted, needed, important. Ready to critisize, go on at something when it is justified. When he doesnt make me feel like a monster that is. Which also happens. But i try not to let it get to me.

"Bob, my niece has accused me of tearing the family apart. Did you experience similar stuff and how did you deal with it?"
"Yes, i do, Bob"
"Are you awake, Bob?"

by Krkič September 8, 2019


A popular name which some people think is funny. It is also a name for a lot of popular people.

Hi, Bob

by User 3749 February 14, 2019


Bob is weird. He thinks that every holiday (except Easter) is Easter. He was disowned at birth from the Staple family. The Staple family keeps him around (for some reason) and keep him in the fireplace.

Stay in the fireplace, Bob.”

by RA9 January 17, 2019