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that one girl who thinks shes tall when she really isnt, thinks shes strong until u realize what a skinny weaKLIng she is

Breanna: Alr Alr trust me I'm strongr than u
literally everybody else: Nahh you're kinda just, smaLL AND WeaK
Breanna: wt trust me I will jump u mate dnt cross me

by Sornuma October 20, 2020


This breanna is different then any other breanna i have ever met,she says thing without thinking sometimes weather that be good things or bad things.Breanna is s very honest person and if its on her mind she gon say it without hesitation.She can be a real dickhead if you make her mad sooo be safe kiddos.Breanna is kinda shy in the begging but once she opens up too you she becomes this funny,crazy,weird person and she constantly hurting herself but with her theres never a dull moment .Breanna is naturally pretty when she wakes up with her weird bed hair and when she sweating balls from practice still looks good idk how she does it but she does it.Anyway moral of the story if you ever get a breanna like i did uh never let her go, make the most memories and dont be afriad to open up to breanna.Shes awkward at times with deep conversation but she will still always be there to just listen.uh oh yea if you ever get her food get her popeyes(dry ass biscuits LMAO) or some sushi and uh yea.

guy:1what are you doing?
Breanna:eating pussy idk

by mydogisaasshole:) September 9, 2021


Breanna...... She is just straight everything you'd want in a girl...smart, funny, she cares for her loves ones more then anyone could, she is always their for you when ever you'd need someone.she is as loyal as loyal gets. As. Well as clumsy as a bull in a china shop at times. But enjoys life even when it starts to go south she seems to always keep her head up and does so with a smile on her face..she is more then just beautiful her beauty is a proof of their being a higher power out their ...she is an old soul yet has the heart of a kid always filled with joy and if she is in your life it's like your winning the lottery every time she is around so like me count yourselves blessed and lucky cause idl what id do with my breanna

Breanna is someone who can't be put into words

by GirlScoutKilla February 17, 2024