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catholic priest

See - "Devil in a black coat"

"Run children, guard your backsides. Here comes the catholic pervert priest"

by Bill Finn November 12, 2003

747๐Ÿ‘ 603๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hudson Catholic

A Very " Prestigious" High School in Jersey City, New Jersey. Located on Bergen Avenue, near the school of prostitutes, St. Dominic's Academy. This so called "amazing" school is the home of the hawkhomos, who lose in possibly everything in life to rival school St. Peter's Prep, home of the Marauders. People go to this school because they are either rejects of St.Peter's,or they are just simply not good enough for such a smart school as Prep. The sports are as simple as this. Baseball, basketball, football, hockey, whatever the sport is, you know that St. Peter's has prevailed over the hawkhomos by alot, and i mean alot of points.You might as well call this school Prep Reject Academy, home of the Future Street Venders.

We go to Hudson Catholic because i failed my Co-Op Test!

Damn, again we lose by 40 to St.Peter's Prep!

Marauders snuff hawks!

by Marauder Nation '13 March 25, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Catholic School

A place where no human would ever want to go. All the positive definitions, they've all been brainwashed. I went to Catholic school for 3/8 years, and I lost my mind. Everyone there is a rich, exclusive snob, and they only like you if you're good at sports, and even if you are, the still will sometimes ignore you. The students there are whores, and if your don't believe that, they're jerks. The education there is terrible, too. I didn't learn much of anything for 3 years. Most of the 6th graders didn't even know how to simplify fractions. I begged to move to a public school, and when I did, I was amazed at how friendly the people were, how the teachers were smarter and better, and how I actually had friends. Catholic school drove me insane. I hear/heard voices in my head, (Steven says hi btw), I was made fun of, I had no friends, and it just sucked. Please, if you're thinking of sending someone you love to Catholic school, don't. Don't even send someone you hate there, they probably don't deserve it. Take it from me, a survivor of Catholic school.

You can use the term "like a Catholic school" to describe place you don't like.

by boomhare January 2, 2016

73๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

hudson catholic

Hudson Catholic High School -- Educating thieves, drop-outs, infidels, drug lords coke addicts, gas men,street venders and other unsavory individuals since 1962

-For two hundred..What is the worst school in the state of New Jersey?

-Alex what is LIncoln?

-Oh Im afraid thats incorrect Steve.The correct answer is Hudson Catholic.

by PRRREP January 12, 2005

77๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

catholic priesting

When an grown man slowly undressing a young boy from the shoulder downwards, while feeling the back of said boy's neck slowly.

"My shoulders bleed from all the Catholic Priesting"

by TotallyNotTheChristianChurch January 6, 2014

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Traditional Catholic

A Catholic that does not live by the changes that were made in the the Church as a result of Vatican II. Most of the time they attend a Latin mass, the women wear dresses, don't eat meat on Friday, don't send their kids to public school, have loads of kids, say the rosary every day, say grace before and after meals and don't listen to modern music or use bad language. They come in varying degrees of weirdness. Some are just normal, well-behaved and modestly-dressed Catholics. Others, usually the ones that live in the middle of nowhere stick out. I could go on and on describing their various peculiarities but I think I covered all of the basics.

Girl: Who are those freakin' weird people over there in the long ass skirts? That's disgusting that they have more than 3 kids! They must be crazy! They need to get liberated! I'm sure they're judging us right now!
Traditional Catholic: Who's judging?

by BMDC September 16, 2010

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Catholic School

In the United States, enrollment reached its peak in the early 1960s, with approximately 5.2 million students. American Catholic elementary schools have seen a steep decline in enrollment in recent decades. Many are now closed. The system can be highly political and out of touch with the spiritual needs of its stakeholders. Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention IF and HOW the community is making a difference in children's faith journey, care for social justice, and building a better world, etc. If the school claims "excellent education," what is their definition of excellence? What benchmarks are they using?

PROS: People are generally nice. Spring break, summer break, winter break, students are fun, work is not stressful.
CONS: Low professional development/leadership pipeline opportunities for teachers and staff, very low pay, can be political. Low-tech. Religion/faith formation ironically can feel like an afterthought, a mandatory checkmark.

SUGGESTIONS: School communities vary. Read online reviews, visit schools, and do your research. Some schools are genuinely worth the investment. Others not so much. Independent Catholic elementary schools and Catholic high schools tend to have more resources. They share the same Catholic identity as its diocesan/archdiocesan schools but operate under separate governing structures: more innovation, less bureaucracy.

Catholic school can be great or traumatizing.

by SavageClassyBougieRatchet June 22, 2020

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