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Charlie is a big pee pee man and gets all the coochie around school

Charlie is a fucking champ and all the girls wanna fuck him so bad, Charlie is the best man to ever exist and gets all the girls numbers

Charlie is very sporty and a mad lad in the school all the guys wanna be him and love him

Girl1: “that guy has a big dick”
Girl2: “yeah he’s a Charlie

Charlie that huge cock guy

by Datbigpenisman October 21, 2020

5👍 1👎


Short for Charles. He is an amazing guy. He is very kind, caring, funny, and awesome. He is also very loyal and never cheats on anybody. He is also a tough guy, and a true fighter. This is why everybody loves Charlie!

Charlie is an amazing guy and I am so lucky to have him as a boyfriend!

by iloveurbandictionary😊😍😃 May 7, 2022

5👍 1👎


The most annoying but funny human on the earth always stays up late and doesn’t care about there wellbeing.

Charlie is awsome

by Hello insta May 3, 2020

5👍 1👎



Charlie is annoying

by Lllllllllloolllll April 1, 2019

4👍 2👎


Charlie is short for Charles and is usually used to describe a manwhore in high school.
When paired with the word 'row' (sometimes misspelt as roe) it can be used to describe everything bad about a person

Guy 1: OMG! did you hear about that guy who was cheating on his gf by shagging loads of men?!?!
Guy 2: Who, the Charlie? that's harsh, mind you, i don't wanna be next!
Guy 1: That's not the worst thing he's done either!
Guy 2: I know right! He's such a charlie roe!

by strawberrykitten25 July 12, 2011

22👍 21👎

A Charlie

A gentle soul, wouldn’t harm a fly. Often found admiring the work of others

Stranger:”I just got suspended from school”
Me:”You’re no Charlie, but that priest over there is such a Charlie”

by The medieval slayer December 20, 2018

12👍 7👎


good at dancing and is tiktok famous and a really pretty girl who you can trust.

your just like charli.

by strangergirl1122 March 8, 2020

7👍 5👎