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Trashy-chic can be defined as a gUrl with a "fly-booty", Jeanz (skin-tight denim pants) and tasteful accesssories. Instead of slicked-back, hair-styles can vary from elaborate weaves to rootless,subtle hairdye. To be Trashy-chic one must be well versed in Trashy rhetoric, and well-connected (socially), acting as a connecter of the Trashy and Un-Trashy realms, and posess a phonebook that reads like a who's-who of your city.

A girl with a Coach purse, White Jeanz, Real diamond earrings, a draw-string backpack, and a Razr is an excellent example of the Trashy-chic movement.

by DanRu March 5, 2006

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hot chic

Good looking bird (lady/woman/girl) who wants what you have... if you know what i mean!!!???

man driving car: (pulls up to road and speaks to woman) hey you! the hot chic! are you a whore or what? Get in the car! I have my own place you know!

by PP01 January 7, 2005

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glitter chic

A New Jersey girl who happens to like Jon Bon Jovi. These chics have large bangs, tight acid wash jeans, hoop earings, ect.

I got these Bon Jovi tickets so that I can go find a glitter chic.

by Nick February 25, 2004

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Poverty chic

A dwelling tastefully decorated by penniless hipsters.

I just visited my friend Tate in Portland. Hi house is nice… the epitome of poverty chic!

by IlyasKallir November 24, 2022

[brutality chic]

Noun: Sensuality, fashion, and style combined with physical violence.

Lena Olin, in "Romeo is Bleeding," oozes a brutality chic in her portrayal of a sexy assassin.

by Left-handed Twin September 10, 2007

ubobo chic

urban hobo chic also known as trendy homeless couture. you know, wearing several long, ratty tshirts, giant sweaters that go to your knees and shit.

look at steve! he looks like a homeless dude, but kinda trendy. he's definitely ubobo chic today!

by U. Atea Ma April 10, 2007

chic flick

A movie that is made with a goal of manipulating female hormones to the point of ugly crying and the consumption of mass quantities of chocolate

The "notebook" is a total chic flick, "the sweetest thing" is not.

by The fickle pickle picker January 12, 2018