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chong eye

The way the eyes look droopy and tired when a person has taken some sort of drug.

After smoking all that gange , connor had chong eyes

by Tom Hollingsworth July 11, 2011

Chonging the wong

The Chinese sexual act of inserting a chopstick into a man's urethra while whistling soft erotic melodic tones and rubbing his dick with rice.

Huang had some fun chonging the wong with Chen yesterday in the Panda Express bathroom.

by theredcup September 8, 2019

No ching no chong

In the event that a person with no skill whatsoever aka noob decides to join a game of ping pong, the correct response to this person would be 'no ching, no chong'.

No ching no chong literally means 'no skill, no play'.

Russian: i got next
Me: No ching no chong

by czpillz March 20, 2008

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man chong

When you're flicking on someone's balls and then you chomp on their dick.

Dude, Mary man chong'd me last night. Shit was not cash.

by Richard Horn June 26, 2008

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ching chong

A way to verbally insult someone who has Asian Heritage. Usually finished by saying "Wing Wong".

White/Black Person:"Yo Ching Chong, give me some rice you wing wong."
Asian Person:*insult in asian* or "Fuck You".

by Zolder November 29, 2005

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Chong Sesh

The term 'Chong Sesh' refers to a (usualy) pre-arranged period of time where an individual, or more commonly a group of friends, all come together and smoke a lot of cannabis for recreational use. The word 'Chong' being a slang word describing the action of using a bong, and 'Sesh' being a slang word which is short for 'session', thus 'Chong Sesh'.

Guy: Hey Guys, you all up for a Chong Sesh tomorrow night at my place?

by JeVeuxAJ August 16, 2011

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Tommy Chong

Rhyming Slang for a bong, used in context is not describing a bong but the act of using one to pull a cone.
Usually shortened to a tommy

Fuck I hate work, pack me a tommy (chong)

by The Werewolf November 25, 2004

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