Depression isn’t sadness... depression is much more than that... it makes you feel alone and makes you feel like you can’t do anything right... it makes you do things you shouldn’t
Hey mom... I think I have depression
When the world is just a big gigantic joke that you’re the butt of.
When you get trapped in this deep hole that’s hard to get out of.And if you do manage to get out people just bury you back in.
i'm inside my own little bubble and i need to get out.
To feel alone and empty. Like your in a black hole.
I have horrid depression I just want to lay here and die.
It's something that makes you feel alone and sometimes u just don't want to be here in this world,depression is the worst feeling in this whole world,sometimes you can't handle it and u (don't want to)but you get somewhere that is so dark and you feel worthless and you don't care about anything,you don't have a reason to wake up every day,you don't want to go to school.
And sometimes you can try suicide, that im not going to lie, I tried more that five times, dont be like that i know how hard it is, this text is coming from someone who does have depression, you're not alone, i know how you feel
Did you see she have depression?!?
Bruh be kind,she is on the dark side.
Having a girlfriend but not answering her calls because you feel overwhelmed. Letting people literally beat you to death without a care in the world. Having every single antidepressant and it's side effects memorized in your mind. Writing sad poetry to the point where it hurts to pick up a pen. Not showering for days because you can't force yourself out of bed. Sharp metals hidden in the drawer of your bed-table. Spending weekends alone because you can't find motivation to make plans, nor do you really feel like it. Not knowing what to do anymore because everything just leads to you crying with your hands over your ears, trying to block out the world. A romanticized disorder that SHOULD NOT be. Romanticized to the point where people suffering feel unworthy of treatment because they feel like a typical loser. Having more doctors than you can count. Blanking out of everything you know you knew at least a minute ago. Losing your friends because you "don't do enough." Wondering every night why it feels like no one loves you. Having your school become nosy because they want to keep their perfect reputation and they don't want fucked up students in their school. Being a social reject because you don't feel like talking. People always asking "why don't you ever smile?" Being the best at hiding things, you can never be sure everyone knows everything. Hating yourself.
not reading this whole thing
"I uh...have depression."
"omg me too! twins!"
*eyeroll* (there goes another potential friend)