The inability to provide sufficient sexual stimulation to one’s partner, usually a result of a below average penis length, girth, or function.
“Bro, Billy found out why he can’t give his girl an orgasm. The doctor diagnosed him with SDS.”
“What is SDS?”
“Shitty Dick Syndrome.”
Usually occurs in men 65 or older.
Symptoms include:
- Wearing of cargo shorts, Skechers and New Balance shoes. -Food stains on all shirts. -The uncontrollable urge to share medical conditions with total strangers. -A sudden, frozen gaze. Mouth agape(drool sometimes present) as if they have no freaking idea of where they are. -Experts on all things: Politics, driving directions,grilling, etc. -Often forget why they are in the bathroom.
ODH wives usually die before them, out of pure desire.
This leads to the ODH usually being found dead, due to starvation, in filthy clothing.
If you suspect you are near an ODH: Don't make eye contact. Never, ever ask, "How ya doin'?"
"That guy told me about his bowel movements for 20 minutes. He must have ODH (Old Dick Head) Syndrome"
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One of the most rare syndromes, discovered by the world renowned scientist Cannon Cool. It’s where you shit out of your dick.
Cannon, you have shitter dick syndrome!
Someone who suffers from chapped dick syndrome is ridiculously horny, even horny for the smallest things. This is because when you have a chapped dick, it's painful to masturbate and it's advised that you hold off on jacking off until your chapped dick has healed. So during the healing time, since you can't jack off, you feel extra horny for even the smallest of things that aren't sexual (like a woman mowing the lawn or walking her dog, etc). Hence, chapped dick syndrome.
Chad: "God, I love when women read. It turns me on!"
Jim: "Ah, you got chapped dick syndrome, huh? Don't worry. Just give it time."
An infliction that generally comes after overuse, specifically masturbation. IT causes the member to become red and swollen, much like if stung by a bee. Wears off after a few days rest, though sometimes dry skin can crack and take longer to heal.
Girlfriend: Hey big boy, you ready for round 2?
Penis owner: Nah I'm sorry baby but after that pounding I think I have Broken Dick Syndrome; see how my foreskin is all fat and red?
When a persons skin has pale and brown spots like a dairy cow. The medical term is vitiligo.
The UFC homosexual Fighter Melquizael Costa has a Skin Disease. Does He Suffer From cow dick syndrome?
Basically micropenis, shrinks your dick to the size of around 1-2 inches erect, 0.5 inch to 0.75 inches flaccid, or even smaller, shortened to SASDS
Doctor: sorry i diagnose you with severe acute small dick syndrome
Patient: damn it no wonder that bitch Sidney didn't want my bitch ass