Whenever someone is doing too much or being aggravating/annoying.
Could also mean whenever someone is goofing around or being a clown.
Bro why you always dickin mane?
Said in a frustrated or annoyed manner this basically translates to “Why are you so annoying?”. Said in a playful or joking manner it means “You’re being goofy or funny”.
Spontaneous river fuckery. Randomly jump/play in a river after driving past or stumbling across one.
Chase! Let's go to the mountains & go river dickin'. Grab your trunks, intertube, noodle & go dick around in a random river.
Adj. When something is just cool as shit to the dudes who haven’t let go of their boyish sense of humor. see: “the tits” or Vb. the act of doing senseless but joyful acts with the homies.
“Hey there, Brometheius! Nice fedora, shit’s dickin’!”
“I miss dickin’ around with you, Brodo Baggins .😔”