A non-cute human being who spends their time on the internet
Echoed Tide is certainly not cute, and that's a fact.
"Echoed Tide is such a cutie, always so shy about it," says Tessa, his Big Sister.
Where you see something/someone in the present that looks like how something/someone will turn out in the future.
Person 1: Hey I saw this crazy cat lady on my way back home the other day, totally gave me future echoes of you!
Person 2: Just because I think cats are really cool and sweet and awesome and I want to live with them forever...
a post-punk, new wave and neo-psychedelia band formed in Liverpool in 1978.
best known line-up consisted of vocalist Ian McCulloch, bassist Les Pattinson, guitarist Will Sergeant and drummer Pete de Freitas.
person a: what's your favourite band?
person b: echo and the bunnymen. they make me feel like my soul is being translated into music and condensed into words. i have seriously never encountered such a beautifully unique band whose creativity is visible through their loveably weird videos, at times random and quirky but overall honest, relevant and heartfelt lyrics, as well as their otherworldly, magical sound which too bears a sense of profoundness and understanding of the unsaid, yet deeply perceived aspects of our existence.
person a: k.
*person b never heard from person a again*
Echo Daze is a Rainbow Six Siege content creator whose ego for hitting one taps is bigger than KSI's forehead. He is pretty good however tends to blame his friends and team mates for his death.
Guy 1 : Wow! Should I subscribe to Echo Daze?
Guy 2 : Yes! If you want to watch an egotistical cunt. Go ahead!
n. Traveller who loves sonic reverberations and seeks out canyons, cliffs and similar locales in exotic locations. It can also be applied to a self-centred person who loves the sound of her own voice.
Hello! Can you hear me!!!? I'm an echo-tourist!
Again. It's a cave. They have mouths, but they cannot speak.
The echo of a sound which did not produce an echo, but which the brain hears after the sound was made because it replays a sound the individual just heard in order to facilitate comprehension and interpretation. Imagined echoes are the auditory equivalent of the images the eyes continue to see though the still image they saw is no longer visible. The scientifically proven phenomenon called the "persistence of vision" makes it possible for the 30 still images motion picture projectors display one after the other to create the optical illusion the brain interprets as continuous movement.
Dick Shakey was creating a song on his computers piano keyboard when he heard a jet airplane fly by. One second later, his brain replayed the sound of the jet engine for Richard to could hear it again and know what had just happened because when he heard the jet engine's sound the first time—immersed listening to the piano notes—he did hear the jet engine's distant roar, but because human listening is sometimes selective, ignored it. However, hearing the imagined echo blew his concentration, so he stood up, took a break, and submitted this new term to a new word website.