People named Edwin is taller than people named Milton
Milton: I'm taller than you
Edwin: No
Milton: I'm literally 5 cm taller than you
Edwin: Ok, I'm taller than you and always will be
Edwin is the type of person to spray on deodorant instead of showering. Edwins are mean old 80 year old men or the fat kid at the pool with a neon shirt on.
Bro, do you see Edwin?
No, but I can smell him
When you about to bust a nut and so you look into your dick hole and you money shot in your eye
Term referring to the best cup of coffee ever made. Legend has it that it was a winter morning, where a coffee artisan, Edwin, accidentally to his own surprise, made the perfect cappuccino. With exactly the correct amount of crema, blended with perfect silk milk froth, the taste almost opened a gateway to another dimension. Earning him the title of Edwin's cup.
That was almost Edwin's cup. The coffee was amazing thank you.
He is tall, dark and handful, he loves to eat, sleep, drink coke and cobra and play ML after work.
Edwin Mari is wafu