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"Fuck those whales"

"Yo my sister and her friends are coming over."
"Oh I hate that bitch. Ftw"

by JacobEricksahn December 19, 2018

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'FTW' means 'for the win', an internet cheer used to express enthusiasm around an achievement. It can also be used in place of 'epic win' and other expressions of victory.

'anti-lock braking, ftw!',
'spellchecker, ftw!',
'low-carb diets, ftw!'
'Android smartphone, ftw!'
'hail mary pass, ftw!'

by kerllin October 29, 2015

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Fuck Taiwan

I hate Taiwan
Yeah FTW

by Linus Tech Tips May 31, 2017

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FTW can mean For the Win, Fuck the World, and Fuck the What

You like moldy cheese? FTW?

by max8======o November 11, 2014

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for the world.
often expressed when you dont know what FTW means.

hannah: lawnmowers ftw?
chelsea: what DOES ftw mean, heaps of people say it, and i dont get it.
hannah: yeh, me either.
chelsea: lets look it up in the urban dictionary !

by chelsea and hannah May 17, 2008

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for the wolf

"Heres some meat, ftw."

by BMDdas January 18, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fuck The What

when you are so fucking confused or you just don't care

R: taxes suck...
M: "FTW!"

R: do you know what they are talking about?
M: "no! FTW?!"

by abt&f11:) May 8, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž