Source Code

Occipital Feather

The Occipital Feather, also known as the Gendering Feather, is the primary indicator of a plume's gender. The Occipital Feather is located at the apex of a standard vertical marching plume, and therefore, often times the highest point on the y-axis of a marching shako. It can be identified on the Alpha Strand, or the strand of feathers that ascends vertically through the middle of the Auxiliary Plumage, or the extra plumage that surrounds the center and points outwards to give the plume further definition. Plume gender can be identified by using the slope-intercept form and determining both the slope and y-intercept of the Occipital Feather. Both of these variables tend to be smaller on female plumes, although every plume is different. Determining the gender of plumes that have sustained contact with moisture is more difficult, but can still be achieved due to the solution misted onto each plume when it is manufactured. The solution causes the Occipital Feather to be heavier on one side or the other based on its gender. Male Occipital Feathers will fall slightly to the right and Female Occipital Feathers will fall slightly to the left.

Marcher 1: Hey I think you have a girl plume.
Marcher 2: Why do you say that.
Marcher 1: Your Occipital Feather is indicating female plumage. You might wanna switch that out.
Marcher 2: Now that I look at it, you're right. I'll go switch it out for a boy plume.

by BandNerdsInc October 8, 2023

Dotted or Feathered?

A very common response to any sentence that includes the word "Indian". It is to distinguish the indigenous peoples of India from the Native Americans.

Intellectual person #1 "So I was talking to my Indian acquaintance last night...."

Intellectual person #2 "Dotted or feathered?"

Intellectual person #1 "Definitely dotted."

by NecroAssassin9 December 8, 2014

Feather Fingers

When playing a game and one's fingers are moving so fast to press the buttons; that they only graze the buttons.

I was playing ROBEATS with Jess and I kept losing because of my feather fingers.

by Edur Fawn February 26, 2021

american feathers

When partner 1 tickles partner 2’s asshole using only the tongue

alana, do you wanna try american feathers?

by jeremylikesfood February 5, 2018

feathered projectile

A feathered fowl with intention to travel at high speeds

If a hawk is indeed sent, do not look the feathered projectile directly in the eye.

by gordy711 February 7, 2017

Starred and feathered

To be given a low rating for a service on uber, yelp or on other apps and social media generally.

Oh dude, my pop-up was a f-ing disaster, I'm getting starred and feathered online.

by Shuaman October 22, 2018

Assumption feather

One who assumes they know what is going on and yet clearly has no clue....he just is making a big, HUGE assumption

That dude Spencer thinks he knows what's going on but he aint got a clue, he just an assumption feather

by Know it all feather August 1, 2018