A website created from codes or features belonging to different websites, it is usually done by a website trying to stay competitive but lacks enough innovation and creativity to create own ideas or code.
Facebook has become a Frankenstein website.
When you have sex so many times that it seems humanly impossible to regain an erection, but by some miracle, the girl manages to get you up for another round.
My girlfriend and I had sex so many times last night. Just when I thought I was done I got Frankenstein cock.
When you have to crap so bad that you're squeezing cheek and walking so upright that you look like Frankenstein
I was trying not to crap my pants so I was squeezing cheek so hard I looked like Frankenstein walking to the bathroom. You could say I was frankensteining
This is a descriptive term used for non-congruent hardware and software elements in dental 3-D printing forced to collaborate in order to manufacture a dental appliance. The forced collaboration can be via ad hoc software bridges or hacks, and manual instead of automated procedures during the appliance production often placing a lower priority on risk mitigation as the industry is still in the end phase of early adopter stage. The mature stage in dental 3-D printing will simplify the procedures to manufacture and improve reliability and adhere to higher medical grade standards along with a consistent automated workflow.
Randy tried to combine a nitrogen balloon with a UV light to cure his denture resin- that’s Frankenstein Printing where the ends still don’t justify the means.