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on top of the fridge

answer to any question that one

A:doesn't know the answer to

B:doesn't want to answer for the purpose of keeping the asker in the dark about information

C:wants to give a fake answer to for comedic purposes

(example for A)
teacher- "What's the exact population of Uzbekistan?"
student- "on top of the fridge

(example for b)
kid- "hey yo ma what am i gettin fo christmas?"
ma-"on top of the fridge"

(example for c)
Guy 1- "Hey dude when's the band meetin up to play the gig at the coffee shop?"
Guy2- "On top of the fridge."

by loginabox22 November 23, 2009

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fridge suck

Term originated by bike mechanics, for the force of nature that causes small objects dropped in the vicinity of a refridgerator to be drawn underneath it, out of reach of human hands. Valuable items and irreplaceable mechanical parts are particularly prone to fridge suck.

Person #1: Can you hold on this vitally important bush while I grease up the flange? Don't drop it, it'll get caught in the fridge suck.

Person #2: Sure, I- Oh. Bugger. Did you see where it went?

by greaseforbrains May 27, 2006

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Opened the fridge

To expel a particularly textured and aromatically rich brand of flatulence, the smell of which brings to mind the distinct odor of food gone bad emanating from a freshly opened fridge.

Clear out everybody, Betsy just opened the fridge!

by The Paul J February 22, 2007

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Chill as a fridge.

Chill as a fridge.- 1.The chillest you can be. 2. It is the definition of chill. Why is a fridge chill? because they chill things. Therfore the chillest you can be is a fridge.

Hey man you know that Eric guy? Yeah man of coarse hes chill as a fridge.

by Zach Splittstoesser December 28, 2010

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beer fridge

A second refridgerator, usually kept in the basement or garage of a house

There's another six pack in the beer fridge downstairs.

by nick_g June 23, 2011

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fridge monkey

a little person that you can carry to the fridge to get a beer while still having intercourse with them.

"that girl i just met is a total fridge monkey"

" he likes em small and fridge monkey like"

by chiefyboy April 2, 2009

God's Fridge

When the temperature outside drops enough that you can keep your precious beer cold without the use of a traditional fridge. If it's cold enough outside, its more effective than the old-fashioned fridge.

"Hey I'm going to the kitchen, y'all want another beer?"

"I didn't put the beer in that fridge, it's outside in God's Fridge."


"I brought a case o' beer while we watch the game, where do you want it?"

"Put it outside on the deck that's God's Fridge."

by Leafsblowgoats December 11, 2009